Google Translation

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 10 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 9 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 8 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 7 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 6 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 5 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Part 4 ~ Dato' Dr. Lim

Malaysia-Indonesia Business Expo at Medan, Indonesia

See you there!!!!!!
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Latest Post from Laszlo Kocso's blog : The Rational Business Decision

My new online buisness building supporting videó is ready, which will help to make the ratinional business decision. This is the first of a video series, which can support the online work of every DXN business builder. I would like to express my gratitude to the founder and CEO of DXN, Dato Dr. Lim Siow Jin for supporting this project and my friend from Canada Cristian Katona, who help to translate my hungarian to english...

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2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Mdm. Jane Yau & Cherry

To watch the video, please click this link:

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Mdm. Jane Yau

To watch the video, please clink this link:

2012年5月26日及27日 ~ 柔佛研讨会

Prof. Cheng

To watch the video, please click this link:

Introducing Böczkös István's Blog & Facebook Page

  Böczkös István's Blog :

Böczkös István's Facebook Page: 

From Mrs. Tunde and Mr. Szabolcs Czerna's website : DXN Star Ruby and Star Diamond meeting

Last weekend we were in the Hotel Kek Duna (Blue Danube) in Raczkeve. We were with our Star Rubies and Star Diamonds members. There were anorther DXN Star Rubies and Diamonds from Hungary. Our sponsor Mr. Laszlo Kocso Double Crown Diamond led the meeting.
We learned a lot and searched new online and offline opportunity in the DXN european business. There were with as Mr. Jijith DXN’s marketing director and Ms. Zuzana Kormanova DXN’s european office head.

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From Mrs. Tunde and Mr. Szabolcs Czerna's website : 3th “Go Diamond” Event in Sopron

The third time we organized our “Go Diamond” event in the our group.  I am sure that this year will bring a lot of new diamond. This Saturday is also helped to establish a clearer goals. There were the day star guest our sponsor and his family. Mr. Laszlo Kocso held a speech about the leadership and the online business building.  Our Diamonds Ms. Aniko Biro and Mr.  Csaba Zseli  gave the best of your knowledge.  My wife Mrs. Tunde Czerna spoke about harmony ( DXN work, family partners) , what is really important in the 23rd year of entering into our marriage. For me, the profitability was the key message. The hundreds of participants and guests enjoyed the event in this beautiful town.  At the end  I heard often : I’ll do it in 2013! So be it!
Continued in the March …

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Introducing DXN In Pakistan's Facebook Page

DXN In Pakistan's Facebook Page :

From Wafa Bdair's Facebook Photo Album : Welcome On Board

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Here is the English translation for the above video. Translation provided by the DXN Peru Branch. 
Thank you, DXN Peru Branch, for your hard work. 

I=Interviewer (Mr. Guillermo Swett)  
C=Mr. Cordero
O=Mr. Olveira

I: Good Morning. Let’s see where we are?  
C: Good Morning DXN. We are in Punta Cana in TSI 2012. I invite to you to participate in TSI 2013 in Malaysia. Welcome Roberto.
I: Who are you inviting?
C: To all the members and whoever wants to participate. Come Katherine from Peru.
Katherine: Hello
O: we are representing Ecuador and all Latin America, USA and Colombia.
I: What is happening in Colombia?
O: We just arrived and we’re going to make history.
I: A lot of things are happening in Colombia.


I: 3 a.m. We're in Punta Cana with the leader from America, Doctor Ricardo Cordero. Is the water cold or hot?  
C: A little cold but tomorrow will be hot. I hope you will be present in TSI 2013; you can do it.


I: Good Morning DXN. We're in IFA Bavaro Beach, in the hotel at Punta Cana. A very big and very nice hotel. We're sharing our morning in the pool in front of the room assigned to us. It has one of the best views. We are going to have breakfast but we can see that there are already many tourists, enjoying the place. Later we're going to go to the beach; a very beautiful beach where we were last night with the pioneer team from DXN Latin America. For sure, we will go to the bar exactly here at the pool. 
Thanks to all of you for trusting in our team, DXN Latin America.   


I: We're in the area of the restaurant where we are having breakfast with other DXN leaders and we find ourselves at the excellent, exclusive and unique presence of the great leader from America, Doctor Ricardo Cordero and his beautiful wife, sharing breakfast with all of us. 
Doctor Cordero, How did you sleep last night?
C: Excellent, like a lion.  
I: What do you suggest to all the leaders, especially new members of this international team of professionals?
C: Please, don't quit taking Ganoderma capsules, especially Reishi Gano and Ganocelium. In order to participate in this kind of activities, which is the TSI, for free, is by consuming and sharing the news with your contacts at the same time.
I: Well and if in your country, there's no Ganoderma RG or GL, you can get them through our service center located...where Doctor Cordero?  
C: In Miami and Boca Raton. We are going to support you and assist you so you can get access and can start consuming the capsules.
I: Thank you very much Doctor for sharing this experience and we will continue to enjoy the presence of all of us here having breakfast in the restaurant of the IFA Hotel
We are going to continue later.  


Member from Bolivia: Good Morning DXN family. I'm from Bolivia. Today, I'm here on vacation that the DXN company gave me, in Punta Cana. I have been with DXN for 2 years and I have to say to all the DXN family to work harder and win another vacation to any place in the world. I feel cheerful and happy with my entire DXN family and the company and the products, which gives good results and has helped many people to improve their health and I thank the Lord for his guidance. Thanks.  
I: Thank you too. Bye, thank you.  

Member from Bolivia: My husband worked as a policeman in Bolivia. I'm from Bolivia, El Alto. I worked there with my son Saul, my husband Calixto Oruño, my daughter Jeny and my sponsor Jaime Colque, Sara Aguilar; we're all working together.
I: Thank you very much. Have you seen Doctor Ricardo Cordero, who is the official trainer of the DXN Latin America team. He gives training about Ganoderma and we invite you to watch the videos on our channel at youtube.comm/dxnla
Member from Bolivia: Thank you  
I: Thank you, have a nice day


I: We are here in our exclusive trip of DXN leaders, especially the DXN Latin America team with the greatest leaders of Latin America, Ecuador, Peru, USA, especially Doctor Ricardo Cordero and Doctor Sonia Flor.
Sonia: Hello friends, nice weather, nice landscape.
I: Perfect. Later we are going to do aquatic activities, have lunch in one of the restaurant of the hotel, very wide, very comfortable, many tourists and too much happiness. Let's continue....Doctor Cordero! What's going on?  
C: I hope to see you in TSI 2013, don't miss it. Remember just have to consume and recommend the products.
I: and call obviously  
C: the effects are verified, call me and ask for my support. I will be there for you.
I: Thanks, Doctor Cordero


I: We are here in the beautiful beach of Bavaro in 
Punta Cana, with all the international leaders’ team. 
Doctor and his wife Gisela.
Hello Gisela, Sonia, How are you Sonia? She's from Panama. 
Soon we're going to do aquatic activities in this beautiful beach of Punta Cana.


C: Good Morning, Welcome to Punta Cana 2012, Ecuador and the whole Latin America team.   
We're here in representation of the professional group of DXN. I invite you to follow us and participate in TSI 2013.

I: Doctor Cordero, what are you doing here?  
C: A new experience
I: Come, don't go away... Don’t Go Ricardo.
I: Mission accomplished, Doctor Cordero?
C: Of course.

I: Here we have the official pioneer team of DXN Ecuador, the first international diamonds that live in Ecuador; they're taking DXN to the world. 
Mr. Roberto Olveira and Doctor Ricardo Cordero take to the skies.


Peruvian Member: This is enjoying vacation with DXN. You can't miss the next adventure course to Malaysia. All Ecuador to Malaysia. Cheers!


I: We are here in the IFA Villas Bavaro. View of the pool.
C: Good morning, what’s up?  
I: How did you sleep? 
C: Good
I: More sea?
C: More pool  
I: And beach? 
C: a little
I: Let's sail today...
Gisella: We are going sailing?
I: Of course. Good appetite!


Good morning nice people from Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Latin America. We're in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic sharing TSI 2012. We're part of the winners, more than 40 members from our Latin American organization led by Doctor Ricardo Cordero, have come. Doctor Specialist in Ganotherapy occupational medicine and computerized ideology in three dimensions.

Good morning, Buenos Dias, we're in DXN TSI 2012 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic of DXN. You can be here also and each TSI that is offered by the Company. Remember that the affiliation is free, only need to consume the product and recommend the consumption of it, because the product has health benefits so you don't sell anything only share the news and step by step, you could be here with us at TSI 2013 in Malaysia, in the 20th Anniversary of the company. I'm Doctor Cordero and I invite you to be part of my group, my wife, Gisela, Doctor Sonia and Doctor Guillermo Swett. We are the DXN Latin America Team. Welcome! Success! The best of the best!


O: We are here in Punta Cana enjoying these beautiful beaches with the international leaders of DXN. Come to visit Ecuador, to enjoy with us because TSI is for our enjoyment. There's no training, only travel and fun.  
I: and who do we have here?
O: I'm Roberto Olveira from Quevedo, Ecuador, regards to all the people out there. We are having the best vacation of TSI 2012. We hope you don't miss this opportunity next year on our way to Malaysia.  
I: Say good bye  
All: See you!
Ms. Sonia: Hi friends, enjoy the delicious ocean. 
I: Almost 6 pm. What happened here?
Gisella: Nothing.
I: There goes the doctor to the rescue.


I: This is the official picture of the DXN Latin America Team, headed by Sonia Flor, Doctor Ricardo Cordero and all the leaders’ team from Peru and Bolivia. We are here in Punta Cana enjoying these beautiful days. Our friend from Bolivia, so nice that we got to meet....Hello, hello, hello.....
All of you consume DXN...
See you in Malaysia..
Good Morning DXN!  

Bolivia Member: Let's go DXN Bolivia. 
Mr. Yzaziga: DXN Peru 
Niel: See you at the beaches of the world. 
Greetings from Ecuador.